
Saturday 15 June 2013

11.Depth relations between Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Morocco

  • Relations between Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Morocco are very deep and have characterized the continuing process of cooperation and harmony between the two countries.

  • The strong and strategic relationships between the two countries which are represented in their solid choices in their foreign policy and active participation in international and Islamic organizations, especially during the era of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and his brother His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, where bonds of brotherhood are deepen between the two countries and their people, thus, opening the way for the development of Saudi investments in Morocco.

  • Trade exchange between the two countries is good.

  • The total Saudi investments in Morocco has reached about one billion and a half billion Moroccan dirhams, mostly in the real estate sector, stressing that the work to create the investment climate in Morocco will be an important factor to pay more attention to particularly that the changes that have taken place in some Arab countries recently have demonstrated that Morocco is a stable and secured country as is the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia where the leaders and people of the two countries believe that security and stability and continuous development is what creates the advancement and progress of the nation as a whole.





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